Let Aspen help transform your network security management.

Aspen Managed Security

Security expertise on YOUR team.

With Aspen on your team, you can be confident that you are protected. So, whether you need a 24x7 security team or an expert advisor, we can provide you with managed security services from our Managed SOC to complement the services offered by your in-house team or primary outsource provider.


Let's Discuss Your Security

What are Managed Security Services?

We provide the expertise, hardware, software, installation, configuration, ongoing patch management, and continuous network updates you need to keep your network secure. Furthermore, we provide enhanced threat monitoring and control of network security devices and systems. We also deliver firewall management, managed SIEM, intrusion detection, SD-WAN, virtual private networks, vulnerability scanning, and next-generation antivirus solutions.


How can Managed Security benefit my business?

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from Aspen's Managed Security service at a fraction of the cost of equivalent internal systems. Our security experts define security policies and access privileges from online and mobile endpoints to wireless support and VPN access. As your business evolves, we will collaborate to fine-tune your security monitoring and policies to ensure network protection. Comprehensive reports provide you with valuable insight into:

  • Types and costs of VPN traffic
  • Managed firewall status
  • Incidents involving security, such as intrusions and attacks
  • Monitoring user traffic for data leak protection

Every reason to have a trusted managed security partner.


Managed Firewalls

Provide the first line of defense against malicious cyber attacks. Our comprehensive managed firewall services include 24/7 monitoring and management.


Advanced Threat Protection

Aspen Advanced Threat Protection provides an integrated security ecosystem that automatically protects, learns, and improves overall threat protection.


Security Information & Event Management

The Managed SIEM for Aspen offers managed SIEM, analyst intelligence, and multi-layered threat protection.


Email Security

As part of our Managed Email service, we scan all inbound and outbound emails for viruses, spam & malware to identify suspicious messages before they reach your servers.


Data Loss

Aspen protects your core intellectual property with Data Loss Prevention. By managing the DLP services, we will enhance your organization's overall security.


Managed Identity
& Access

We offer Identity and Access Management (IAM) services that help clients secure and manage user access to applications from any device or location.


Cyber Incident

Managed Cyber Incident Response (CIR) enables you to quickly detect and respond to cyber security incidents.


Network Security

In addition to providing comprehensive device connectivity, our managed wireless LAN (WLAN) provides a secure, high-performance wireless environment.



Aspen will architect and deploy deception technology on-premise, which can be remotely managed and operated.

Schedule a managed security assessment call.

Aspen does more. So you can, too.

Network Setup

Set up, Go.

Don't have a network team? Don't worry. Even without a network team, we can help you set up high-performance wi-fi and network solutions to support business operations, connect employees, and serve customers in short order.

Network Performance


Aspen combines extreme performance, custom technologies, and revolutionary innovations. Whether you're taking care of everyday tasks or pushing your limits, you can do it all faster.

Network Cost

Smart solutions.
Smart investment.

Future-proof and built to last, Aspen solutions make a great investment. They are powerful, affordable, and packed with everything you need to bring your network to the next level. We work with you to develop a solution that fits your needs.

Network App

Your Network at
Your Command.

Quickly & securely control your network and perform critical administrative tasks with just a few taps, all from one place. Our powerful tools make all your connected networks work harder — & smarter — for you.

Network Security

Keeping What's
Private, PRIVATE.

Aspen is committed to protecting your data and your business information. Our top priority is keeping your business's information protected, secure, and accessible only to you.

Network Support

Support That Goes Beyond Your 9-to-5.

We're here to keep you up and running. The Aspen Network Operations Center has 24/7 monitoring, outage response, and ongoing support to give you much-needed peace of mind.

Aspen is powering the future of secured networks.

We're committed to helping every business benefit from the transformative power of secure networks that enable businesses to succeed at scale. Get help finding the best ways to manage your network security to work together and power the future of your business.


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